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Showing posts from August, 2020
 Presbyterian Humor from around the Web (not mine, but I like 'em!) You might be a Presbyterian if . . . 1. You've got a big bushy beard in honor of R. L. Dabney. 2. You can spell supralapsrian , suprlapsarian , suralapsrian , supralapsarian. 3. When asked to name the twelve apostles you say Matthew, John, James, Andrew, Peter, Nathaniel, Phillip, Simon, Thomas, Augustine, Luther and Calvin. 4. You used to be a Baptist. 5. You started drinking ("in moderation" of course) after you left the Baptist church and became a Presbyterian. 6. Your children's names all begin with "covenant."  In other words, normal people have babies, boys, girls, kids, and/or children.  Presbyterians, on the other hand have "covenant" children.  Instead of introducing your kids as Billy, Bobby and Suzy, it would be more proper to introduce them as Covenant-Bill, Covenant-Bob, and Covenant-Sue. 7. When the spirit comes upon you in power, you don&#